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PA-DSS validation for X-Payments 2 expired. Upgrade to X-Payments 3.

Alexander Mulin Author

PA-DSS validation for X-Payments 2.x has expired and hence it cannot be used for new deployments. Following the requirement of new PA-DSS 3.1, we’ve released X-Payments 3.x. It has been successfully validated and now should be used for all new installations.

PA-DSS certification

Lost customers, damaged reputation of your business, huge fines from credit card brands and legal costs, inability to accept credit cards… These are just a part of consequences caused by breaches or cardholder data theft. This is why it’s so important to care of payment security.

So, how to find out if the way of accepting and storing credit cards used in your store is secure? This way should comply with Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) maintained by PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC). This standard includes security requirements and assessment procedures for software vendors of payment applications. It’s constantly revised and updated, setting up new requirements to the applications.

PCI SSC also maintains a list of Validated Payment Applications and revalidates them each year to make sure they continue to be PA-DSS compliant.

X-Payments is no exception and this summer we’ve released a new branch (3.x) that has been certified according to PA-DSS 3.1.

It’s foregoer, X-Payments 2.x, was certified under obsolete PA-DSS 2.0 and its validation expired on September, 28th. According to the requirements of PCI Security Standards Council, new deployments and license sales of X-Payments 2.x are prohibited starting from September, 28th.

So, it’s only X-Payments 3.x that can be used for all new deployments until October 2019.

What does it mean for X-Payments users?

If you are a subscriber of a Hosted X-Payments plan, you can

If you are an owner of a downloadable X-Payments license of version 2.x or 1.x and

X-Payments 2.x to X-Payments 3.x license exchange costs $389 and X-Payments 1.x to X-Payments 3.x license exchange is $778. You can purchase it in your HelpDesk account — ‘Buy products/services’ section or send a request to sales@x-cart.com to have one of our sales reps assist you.

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